Find the LOVE for YOU

Hello my friends!! I know I've been a real slacker lately with posting. And I'll be real with you, life has just been in the way. 

This VDay is especially amazing because I am single the first time in a handful of years. It's definitely an adjustment, but I think it's a good one. 

Someone recently told me that being single suits me and I'm good at it. At first, I was quite confused. I would consider myself a relationship girl. After really thinking about it, it's actually an amazing compliment. Side note: I know that this person meant it as one too. She meant that I'm comfortable in my own skin. I'm not sure if it's because I'm "mature" (I kind of hate when people tell me this) for my age, an only child, or just genetics. To be honest, I think it's because I am in love with myself. At a young age I was infatuated with looking at myself (my parent's have 18 different mirrors in our house, I blame them). Now, there was a time I was not, and this is what I'm here to tell you.

It started back a few years ago. I had been in a relationship that was not the right one.  I was 22 and had my first real raw breakup, and felt more out of my skin than ever.  I had lost myself and that love for myself  in that relationship. I felt all these bad sorts of feelings; ugly, stupid, over weight (which is hilarious because I was working out more then than now), even a failure. It had nothing to do with reality or me, but in my mind it sure as hell did. I had no idea what to do with my time, what to wear, who to talk to, even what radio station to listen to. I had lost that love I had for myself. 

What I had to do was slowly rebuild myself. I had to spend quality time with myself. Essentially I had to fall back in love with myself. I went to the movies alone, took long walks with myself, went to the beach alone, cooked fancy dinners for myself, danced all over the house, and I read a lot (I read sooooo many amazing books those months). I can't tell you that everything I did was enjoyable always. However, as time went on I would crawl into bed at night and I felt more happier and in love again. As single humans we must improve ourselves, create good habits, work that brain everyday, eat nourishing tasty foods, drink the expensive wine, stay home on a Friday night, but go out on a Friday night too. We have to let loose, sing our favorite song in the car and not worry about everyone staring.  Love yourself like no one else can, because that is something that you can have FOREVER. That love for yourself is something every single person should always have. It's how we show the people we love to treat us. You will always have yourself every minute of everyday, it's one of the only guarantee's in life. 

And if you lost her or that love, you can get it back. I let it slip away again (it's like any relationship, it's work!) but I sensed it and trust me I fixed that REALLLL quick. So now I'm on the edge of being in my late twenties (ahhhh!!!! sooo blushing) but I want this time in my life to be filled with all adventure, happiness, relaxation, and also being scared a lot. Being scared is something that I thrive off of, because on the other side of scared is satisfaction and I fall in love with myself all over again.

So my whole post is trying to show all you single gals that being single can be the best time of your life. You have the ability to always be happy and do all the things you love. 
xoxo Lace


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