Kobe Bryant

Hello my friends!! Recently, my life has been in different directions and it's really taken me away from blogging. Which is the saddest part, because I enjoy writing SOOO much. And the added bonus is when I make a girl feel great about how she looks. So I'm doing something a little different. And it all started with a text from John..."I was going through TSA when you called, and I'm boarding my plane now". He already knew why I called.  I text him Friday and it's Sunday night when he actually responds. He was visiting his girlfriend, which implies I do not exist. It's fine, I've come to just accept it. On Friday I sent him a text because I was bomb-bared that Charlie is getting married (he announced it on Facebook, I saw from a screenshot). Charlie use to be one of my best friends. He now is only John's friend. Pretty much he got a girlfriend (first one since high school...7 years) and she wasn't my biggest fan. Which in my defense I have no freaking idea why! So Charlie has to call me everyday, it's not like I call him. I'm just the only one out of our friends that would actually answer and listen to him talk for 30 minutes about literally NOTHING. But I'm a great friend like that, it's one of my enduring qualities. Well the now fiancĂ© told Charlie we couldn't be friends anymore and since Charlie is a pussy he obliged and sent me a text saying, "We shouldn't talk anymore". Real classy right? We've only been friends for 9 years, but no biggy!! Well now fast forward, they are getting married. So I wanted to see if John knew that she was pregnant. Because what other reason is there for being together for 5 months and getting married? They are both U.S. citizens. So I think she is....yes she is. Than she must be pregnant. Well after asking everyone I knew, there has been no confirmation or declination that she is pregnant. The funny part is, that this girl is going to make Charlie go through so many damn hoops, he's going to be a professional basketball player. And all I can say is, good luck Kobe. 
Xoxo Lace


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