
Kobe Bryant

Hello my friends!! Recently, my life has been in different directions and it's really taken me away from blogging. Which is the saddest part, because I enjoy writing SOOO much. And the added bonus is when I make a girl feel great about how she looks. So I'm doing something a little different. And it all started with a text from John..."I was going through TSA when you called, and I'm boarding my plane now". He already knew why I called.  I text him Friday and it's Sunday night when he actually responds. He was visiting his girlfriend, which implies I do not exist. It's fine, I've come to just accept it. On Friday I sent him a text because I was bomb-bared that Charlie is getting married (he announced it on Facebook, I saw from a screenshot). Charlie use to be one of my best friends. He now is only John's friend. Pretty much he got a girlfriend (first one since high school...7 years) and she wasn't my biggest fan. Which in my defense I have no

Find the LOVE for YOU

Hello my friends!! I know I've been a real slacker lately with posting. And I'll be real with you, life has just been in the way.  This VDay is especially amazing because I am single the first time in a handful of years. It's definitely an adjustment, but I think it's a good one.  Someone recently told me that being single suits me and I'm good at it. At first, I was quite confused. I would consider myself a relationship girl. After really thinking about it, it's actually an amazing compliment.  Side note: I know that this person meant it as one too. She meant that I'm comfortable in my own skin. I'm not sure if it's because I'm "mature" (I kind of hate when people tell me this) for my age, an only child, or just genetics. To be honest, I think it's because I am in love with myself. At a young age I was infatuated with looking at myself (my parent's have 18 different mirrors in our house, I blame them). Now, there was a tim

Foundation Cheat Sheet

Let's talk Foundation my friends!  If you've been following me on Sparkle & Sass or Instagram you know I am a foundation fanatic.  I LOVE when a brand comes out with a new foundation for me to try.  Recently, I have had people ask me advice on foundation and I know how difficult it can be.  So... I've put together a Foundation "cheat sheet" for you all.  I separated the foundations by skin type. Dry Skin Smashbox   - medium to full coverage [my day to day foundation] Clinique   - medium to full coverage, dewy finish Laura Mercier  -  medium coverage, dewy finish  Estee Lauder   - full coverage [Love this one too!] Airflash   - ultimate coverage [Always my favorite for special occasions-worth the money] Giorgio Armani   - full coverage, luminous finish [new weekend foundation] Combo Skin Cover Fx   - full coverage, natural finish  Urban Decay   - full coverage, matte finish  MUFE   - light to medium finish, natural to dewy fin

Burrr! Give me some Skincare

If you're like me and  your skin becomes sandpaper in the winter months than I have something for you.  Recently I have been bored with my skincare routine and wanted to change it up a bit, which was perfect since we are changing seasons.  I found these seven products that I love for my body.  Lip Sleeping Mask  -  [It only took 3 days to see a difference, Get this one!] Sleeping Hair Mask   -  I got the Coconut Nourishing & Repairing [I used the same mask twice, there's so much cream that I saved half for another night. The cap is so stinkin' cute! And the mask itself is great. I love how my hair felt the next morning] Hand Mask  -  I got the Avocado Skincare Gloves, which I don't see online [I felt a difference the next morning but, this is definitely a product you need to use more than once] Body Balm Oil  - [Love both scents, it's like using a balm from the spa] Overnight Face Mask  - [Most hydrating mask EVER! Try it o

Messy Hair Tutorial

Hey my girls! After lots of my friends & many of my gorgeous followers saying, "Teach me how to do your messy bun" I have it here, the How-To. This look is something I look forward to every week. A few things I want you to know about my hair is that it's mid-length and thick. This is important because my hair will look a little different than yours. However, if you have longer hair you'll be fine, there's enough length that you can pull more, [Step 6] creating a fuller look. Now if you have short hair, obviously its not going to look the same as mine. I think knowing this about my hair will help you all understand the correlation between mine and yours at home.  Alright, lets get to it!!  Before going into the steps of the actual bun, we need to go over some pre-work. Your hair needs to be completely straight. So all you naturally straight haired women, you have an advantage here.  Next, I believe that clean hair is the b

Updated Makeup Products

This week I tried a handful of different products and incorporated some products I previously used. Remember, I do have controllably dry skin, but during these winter months I am definitely considered dry. I say that because different skin types can use different products. I would not use the  Murad Skin Mattifer That product is amazing for oily skin. P.S. use it as your primer and moisturizer. You’re welcome!! Now, there are some products that different skin types can all use. Primers, Foundations, and Powders are more specific to individual skin types. So next time your BFF loves a new foundation, make sure your skin and hers align before becoming Foundation twins. LOL!   Stay tuned for Friday’s Skincare post. I will be talking all about handling that dry skin in these colder months ahead. I’m so excited for you all to read that one. Urban Decay Primer - LOVEEE this primer! A little goes a long way this this. My makeup stays on all day with this,

First Hair Tutorial

So I took the plunge and created a tutorial on how to do my updo hair style. I'll put up a new one once a week. Ekkk! Nervous!! Wish I could just come to your houses and just do your hair instead. LOL Hope you all like it. I have always been a hair lover!! Having blonde hair makes you a hair lover, because it is ALOT of maintenance. However, I wouldn't want it any other way. I have been dying my hair since the 8th grade when my natural blonde started to fade away.  I have always had girlfriends that love their hair too. One of my best friends in high school, she taught me to tease my hair. And after high school, a close friend expanded my teasing knowledge. My bestie now is a hairstylist. After all these girlfriends teaching me I have mastered my own hair. Woo Woo!!   1. I start by curling my hair-I use  This Curler   2. I spray  This Hairspray  while I am curling each strand. The secret is to curl in small pieces. 3. Next I have to find you ex